Stratford Times

 Stratford Times

Over 10,000 poppies draped over the William Hutt Bridge in Remembrance (AMANDA MODARAGAMAGE PHOTO)


On November 1, a local Wednesday night knitting group started hanging over 10,000 poppies over the William Hutt Bridge to honour Remembrance Day on November 11. Remembrance Day commemorates the anniversary of the armistice signing in 1918 between the Allies and Germany. Patti Russell, a Wednesday Night Knitting Club member, said, “Last November, around Remembrance Day, we started talking about this project and decided to get the word out,” she continued, “Before we knew it, we had collected over 10,000 poppies, and they’re still coming in.” Stratford is not the first to don such a beautiful display; poppies like this can be seen across Europe and were believed to have started in England, “Some places have poppies coming down steps and cascading from cathedrals, which are gorgeous,” said Russell, “Since we don't have any of those buildings, we thought the bridge would give us the most visibility and look beautiful.” CONTINUED TO PAGE 2


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