Whatever 75 Restaurant

 🏳️‍⚧️ 🍔 🏳️‍⚧️ We're on a bit of a burger kick this week. Maybe it's because Burger Queen loves to highlight that it's Transgender Awareness Week. 

We're especially inspired to share our Chick-Fil-Gay because $1 from every one of these lovelies goes to LGTBQ2S+ causes. 

The Trans Day of Remembrance Vigil will be held on Monday, Nov 20, 6-7pm at the Stratford Intermediate School Auditorium. 

And Sunday, Nov 19, Trans, Non-Binary and Gender-Diverse folks are invited to drop into revel from 2-5pm for coffee, tea, baked goods and a DROP-IN CLOSET (pick up new/used clothing, makeup, and more).



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